Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18

Thanks Taylor for the inspirational quote that you sent to me.

“Everything happens for a reason; sometimes the reason is: you’re stupid and make bad choices”

That’s truly something deep to ponder on...

But I would say that it is somewhat true. God will reward us according to our obedience to his commandments, and then we will be blessed with good things good experiences and strength to get through those hard times in life that just seem to happen to everyone. In the scriptures it says that there is a law, irrevocably decreed before the foundations of this world existed, upon which all blessings are based on (or predicated...this is not exact because I am translating it) and when we receive a blessing is it based on that commandment that we followed... when we do don’t keep the commandments we have no promise with God, this Law then would not apply to us because we are not completing our part. (DC 82: 10 DC 130 20-21)

Everything happens for a reason sure but sometimes we choose what will happen to us according to our obedience. That is the reason why righteous action in so important. We choose our future through our choices today.

I am so sick of people telling me that they have a lot of faith in Christ, but then do not show their faith through their works. If we have faith we need to prove it. Faith without works is sooo not even faith.

As Members of the Lords church we have to be different, and not just different in our beliefs but in our actions. I don’t want to hear from people that those Mormons believe different, I want to hear that they act different.

The weeks seem to be flying by so fast. But I’m enjoying every moment. This past cambio we have been focusing on working through the members to find people to teach. This has been making me think of all the times that the missionaries ate lunch with our family and asked for references and we didn’t have any... To those missionaries I am sorry... I really do with I could redo that and given them every single person in my phone.

This week we were talking to a member and she told us a story of one of her friends from high school. In school they were pretty decent friends but lost track of each other after school for a while, a couple years later this friend found the missionaries and got baptized! When these two people found each other again the friend that was just baptized didn’t even know that her other friend was LDS, and asked her, ``why didn’t you say anything to me? What a shame, I was lost for such a long time, I could’ve known for a lot earlier``

 We need to talk to everyone about the gospel... Because we do not know who is looking, and we do not want to hear one day from our friends... why didn’t you tell me?

We taught an English class this week. It was sweet.

I also finally got new nice scriptures! Time to start marking...  all over again

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN!!!! I will so write you a lovely note next Monday because I have no time left today, hope all is going good with you. You’re the best ever! And it looks soo cold where you are... I am burning up here in Chile.  We will switch weather in 6 months.


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