Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014

Happy late birthday to little cousin Elle! I can’t believe she is 7 already!

It is so great to read all of your emails! I love that about P-day. Just listening to what’s happening in all of your lives. I can’t reply one by one but your emails are so greatly appreciated... and if they are extra funny, important or interesting I print them out to read now and later...and EVERYONE wants to be that person that gets their emails printed out and read multiple times by my eye balls.
This week I baptized JULIO! It was one of the greatest baptismal reunions I have gone to or participated in on the mission. The Spirit was so strong it was Undeniable.
Julio is a teenager that we have been teaching for a while... for him and his family these past 2 months has been very tough. One week everything’s good and the next another problem...and then he’s doing good again...and then another problem... until finally he said IM JUST GONNA DO IT! And that’s what he did. The problems went all the way up until his baptism hour... walking to the church building he crossed the street and almost got his by a car that didn’t see him, then when we were just about to start the reunion all the lights in the church building shut off for about 10 minutes.
Once we started the reunion however everything went smoothly. His Aunt Novellia and cousin Stefany who used to be less actives talked in the baptism and our convert stefany bore her testimony. It was great so see all the support that he was getting from his family and members of the ward.
He really has the potential to be a great leader and missionary in the future.
This past week I have been doing a very deep and extensive study of the restoration. I love how we can study the scriptures to understand the primitive church... and all of those principles that Christ taught... of prophets, apostles, quorums, 70s and priesthood have been restored ion our day. There is no better organization then the one that Christ has set up. And to be a part of the organization is amazing.
I will send picture of Julio’s baptism next week!

Love you!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 19, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKAY!!!! I love youuu!
It’s crazy that you’re going to be a senior! You’re so old. Weird. You better not leave on your mission until I get back...
Enjoy Poca Cosa for me McKay! This will be your first time right?? I don’t remember
I can just see the top of our piano tonight... there are lots of big bags and presents wrapped in bright colors... the same ones that we use every year... and in the biggest bags there is nothing but shirts, socks or underwear.. But most importantly hot Cheetos and candy!
And dad, right after you just finished unwrapping it, will demand that you share... all of it right then... birthdays are great
Tis week we had stake conference and Elder Gonzalez of the Quorum of the 70 came to talk to us! This is the second conference that I have had with elder Gonzalez, but I think that I learned more this time because for that last conference I was only 5 weeks fresh on the mission and didn’t understand Spanish very well.  So this time when he made jokes and everyone laughed I didn’t have to fake laugh... Because I understood him!
It seems that every single person that went to the conference that I talked to learned something different that they could apply in their lives.
I learned...
-That as a missionary I need to teach people about the nature of God and the nature of us as his children. God is our father. Jesus is our older brother, and as children trying to learn we should follow the example of our older brother. As child of God we have the opportunity to inherit all that he has. Just like any good father would what for his children
-God is going to hasten his work in his own time. This is his time to do so and we are his army, as missionaries and members of the church of Jesus Christ.
- There is littler and littler of a difference between full time missionaries and members. We need to work together to find, teach, preach, retain, reactivate, and baptize
-setting goals is an exercise of faith. So set them and have the hope that you can achieve them

I love you! ALL.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 12, 2014

My Birthday passed by soo well. Other than that day I had my faced slammed into a cake 2 times. That’s like one time too many. I mean everyone loves to see someone with a face full of cake, but 2 times is a bit ridiculous.
We planned on having a FHE (family home evening) at the house of Julio, but it actually turned out to be a surprise birthday party, were I was attacked at their door with fists full of confetti glitter and was commanded to wear a silly hat for the rest of the night. That’s what I get for telling someone that is was my birthday... secrets fly in this ward like no other. One person knows that it’s my birthday and the next thing I know every single person wants to slam my face into some type of frosting smothered desert.
 This week for our district class elder Hancock and I had the idea to combine our 2 districts into one and teach about how to maintain the vision to baptize. As missionaries our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ through their faith repentance and baptism. To progress spiritually one needs to follow Christ our Savior. When we do not invite people to repent and be baptized by someone who holds the power and authority of God which is the priesthood, we are not completing our mission as representatives and servants of Christ.
What is the first thing Christ did before he started his mortal ministry? He got baptized (matt 3:15-17)
What is the first thing Christ preached unto the ancient inhabitants of the Americas when we appeared to them? To be baptized by someone who had the Power of God (3 Nephi 11: 21-34)
I used to think that it was weird to talk about baptism so fast but now I know that is what God wants.
This week we had a movie night with a group of investigators, less actives and recent converts to help them understand a little better the life of Joseph Smith.
 There is so much crap about this guy on the internet and lots of lies that other churches say about him. But none of that really matters, because the fact of the matter is he was either a prophet, or not. And the only way to know is to pray to our Father in Heaven and ask. Because people can lie, people can be mistaken. Shoot I could be lying right now... but our father in heaven cannot not and will not." Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be open unto you."
We can also know by his actions "By their fruits ye shall know them"
Through Joseph Smith we have the book of Mormon which is an amazing other testament of our savior Jesus Christ.
I love this quote by Elder Holland. He said that "No evil man could wright such a book as this, and no good man would, except he was called of God to do so"
 Joseph died for the truth, standing firm until the end, never denying what he knew to be true. If he could do that. I can serve him for these 2 years easy standing as another testament and witness that this is the restored gospel.
We are going to have stake conference this week! And I am so excited because the president of the area is coming to talk to us! And also my convert Carla is going to be in the stake choir! WHOOHOO!
Happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there! Family it was great to see you.

 I have the best family ever. Sorry other families that are reading this...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014

HERE we are in May already. I can’t believe it. And I’m 20!
It is weird to think that every day of my life that I am 20 will be on the mission.

 Here in Chile it is getting cold and rainy. My companion Elder Castro did not have the clothing for rain. He thought an umbrella would work just fine. It doesn’t. When it rains here it rains... for days without stop. And the streets turn into rivers. I LOVE IT! Adds a little excitement to the week. I still think that I prefer monsoon season better however because this rain is so freezing.
It is also very hard to talk to people in the rain ….who knew?

This week 2 of our golden investigators moved... It was so sad! They were just starting to get to know the ward too. But I’m sure it will be for the good. Arixa is an 18 year old girl with 2 kids who just recently found out that her boyfriend is no good. She is now taking charge of her life and is going to move back in with her mother and go to college and work and her mom will help with the kids until she can get back on her feet again. I am so glad that I got the chance to get to know Arixa and her mother Inged. Through their story I have learned the great and lasting effects of the Atonement in our lives.
It doesn’t matter if we make mistakes but the important part to recognize it, learn from it, and allow Christ to heal us.
And through our trials we receive the grace and mercy of GOD.
She now knows what is right and is willing to do all that it takes to get there. I have never seen anyone so determined and humble in my life.
I don’t have much time because I sent a lot of pictures but I just wanted to say that I know this church is true and people can change and become spectacular. But that is only if we utilize what we have in this life when we have it. This day, is the day that we need to prepare to meet God. And we cannot procrastinate.