Monday, February 24, 2014

I love Chile! I love how beautiful it is, I love the people, they are so loving and kind, I love those I have met, my investigators, the members and mission leaders that help and support us. But more than any of that I love my purpose here. I am here to teach of the restored Gospel of Christ, to serve and help people understand the reality of our savior and Redeemer. there is really no thing that is of greater values then that. Because...¨rich is he that has eternal life¨ dc6:7

 This week we have had many new and interesting encounters with people of different faiths. I love talking to people about their beliefs... that’s probably a good thing because that’s what I’m doing here for 2 years. But I really have a new and deeper testimony and understanding of what is truth, and how we can find out answers in this life. Every single religion has parts of the truth, every people can discern what is good and what is bad, what is just and what is corrupt. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to give people the truth of the gospel of Christ in its perfect form.

Some people seem happy with just part of the truth and don’t want to put in that extra effort to keep learning, keep looking.

I never what to stop learning, I never what to stop experiencing the wonderful mercies, miracles, and experiences in this life and on our pathway to our father in heaven,

But some advice for all... don’t let your minute passions destroy your forever dreams.

Because forever happiness is worth fighting for.

Love you!


And we bought an ELECTRIC FLY SWATTER!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18

Thanks Taylor for the inspirational quote that you sent to me.

“Everything happens for a reason; sometimes the reason is: you’re stupid and make bad choices”

That’s truly something deep to ponder on...

But I would say that it is somewhat true. God will reward us according to our obedience to his commandments, and then we will be blessed with good things good experiences and strength to get through those hard times in life that just seem to happen to everyone. In the scriptures it says that there is a law, irrevocably decreed before the foundations of this world existed, upon which all blessings are based on (or predicated...this is not exact because I am translating it) and when we receive a blessing is it based on that commandment that we followed... when we do don’t keep the commandments we have no promise with God, this Law then would not apply to us because we are not completing our part. (DC 82: 10 DC 130 20-21)

Everything happens for a reason sure but sometimes we choose what will happen to us according to our obedience. That is the reason why righteous action in so important. We choose our future through our choices today.

I am so sick of people telling me that they have a lot of faith in Christ, but then do not show their faith through their works. If we have faith we need to prove it. Faith without works is sooo not even faith.

As Members of the Lords church we have to be different, and not just different in our beliefs but in our actions. I don’t want to hear from people that those Mormons believe different, I want to hear that they act different.

The weeks seem to be flying by so fast. But I’m enjoying every moment. This past cambio we have been focusing on working through the members to find people to teach. This has been making me think of all the times that the missionaries ate lunch with our family and asked for references and we didn’t have any... To those missionaries I am sorry... I really do with I could redo that and given them every single person in my phone.

This week we were talking to a member and she told us a story of one of her friends from high school. In school they were pretty decent friends but lost track of each other after school for a while, a couple years later this friend found the missionaries and got baptized! When these two people found each other again the friend that was just baptized didn’t even know that her other friend was LDS, and asked her, ``why didn’t you say anything to me? What a shame, I was lost for such a long time, I could’ve known for a lot earlier``

 We need to talk to everyone about the gospel... Because we do not know who is looking, and we do not want to hear one day from our friends... why didn’t you tell me?

We taught an English class this week. It was sweet.

I also finally got new nice scriptures! Time to start marking...  all over again

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN!!!! I will so write you a lovely note next Monday because I have no time left today, hope all is going good with you. You’re the best ever! And it looks soo cold where you are... I am burning up here in Chile.  We will switch weather in 6 months.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 10, 2014

NOW I think I feel a little bit of how the brothers of Mosiah felt when they all separated to different parts of the land of the Lamonites to preach the gospel. Right now Ryan, Austin, and I are in different parts of the WORLD speaking in different languages (Austin-hick (Southern) English, Ryan-preppy high class English and me…The celestial language ha-ha) but preaching of the same eternal truths. I am just happy to know that they are doing well, and they are experiencing the same joy that I am teaching and serving the Lords Children.

I hope the birthday of AUSTIN is great! And RYAN I missed yours as week or so ago… I realized that I never wish him happy birthday... But they both know what it’s like on p days... for those of you who don’t know it’s CRAZY. I know Austin is such a powerful missionary. I can tell by his letters. His stories... And because I grew up with him  

RYAN YOU BEAST. Awesome pictures! I’m glad that you are doing so great in England. Keep up that energy and spirit that you have.

I want to be companions with you guys! Ha-ha 

As for me I have been doing just awesome. I ran 4 miles this morning with Elder Hancock (but not the one that is related to our dentist) we just about died because it was so hot and hard but I loved it. It reminded me of the first couple weeks of XC in high school when the practices change from in the mornings to in the afternoon... And it’s like 100 degrees outside... but this time it was a little different because I had to wear a shirt... And we didn’t have glider on his bicycle riding our tale and making sure we don’t walk.

But a dog from the streets wanted to join us on our run and ran with us for all of the 4 miles! We named him buster. 

We are having a blast here working in Cerro Verde. Turns out that this whole “forget yourself and go to work” thing turns out to be going great for me. 

The longer I am on the mission the more I realize that this life is meant for our happiness. The mission is the same. I do not want to be one of THOSE missionaries that are like robots; who just goes through the motions, goes through the lessons like it’s just another job. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ are we are here to preach of the happiest news there is. That Christ is our savior, that he is our perfect brother and friend, and that his gospel, the same gospel that he instituted when he was on the earth has been restored in its glory again on the earth. Wow right?

This week we have been focusing a lot on strengthening the members and helping them participate in the work of Salvation. We have been passing by many of the member’s houses and teaching them, and helping them have the same vision that we as missionaries have... that vision is that there are people that the lord is preparing to hear and receive this gospel. A scripture in Alma 13 verse 24 explains that angles are preparing the children of men to hear our message. All we need to do is pray for the inspiration and the courage to open our mouths.

What we have been doing is giving every member a piece of paper and inviting them to write down names... Lots of them... and them pray ask the lord whole really is prepared of this message. Then circle the names that come to your mind. This is a great way to strengthen our faith in the power of GOD and the power of prayer... and we really can help others find this happiness that we have.

Heaven isn’t heaven without our friends and family... So invite them to the party...if you need to persuade them with food, or a casserole at a ward activity... let it be done.

 We taught Francisco’s family this week... And his cousins and his aunts and his uncles...

He was baptized about a month ago and his family has seen the changes that he has made... and they are curious...he bore his testimony to all of them this week that this church is true and that he wants all of them to be a part of it and he told all of them that we was going to go on a mission!.. The spirit was so strong and I know that they all felt it. I am excited for this week because we are going to have a family home evening with all of them... I’ll let you know who it goes.

 Prayer is the greatest 

¨prayer is made up by heart throbs and righteous yearnings of the soul, of supplication based on the realization of need, of contrition and pure desire¨ Talmage Jesus the Christ

We don’t know anything about anything...

If you want to know something about anything...pray.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feburary 3, 2014

DESPITE the tragic incident with what happened with my backpack and camera and journal and every other odd and end thing that was in my back pack I have learned the most precious lesson in life. This lesson is called "Freak just get over it"

There I was wallowing in self-pity about everything that I lost… wanting to go back to Concepcion to wander the streets in search for this man who now is the new owner of MY things... I even prayed a lot about this asking God to help me somehow… I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe an angle to give me my backpack, or maybe the thief to have a change of heart and find me and say sorry. 

But the answer I received was a lot different than that...

It was a change of mind set... I don’t know how to explain the feeling very well but I learned to

-forget yourself and go to work

-serve God with all of your heart, might, mind, and strength

-with everything that we lose, God gives us double

-Freak just get over it and work

So that’s what I did this week.

My new hijos (child) name is Elder Castro! He is from Texas but his dad is from Concepcion Chile so he had family that lives here. He is really excited to get to know them and hopefully convert them because they are not members! What a miracle right?

It is so fun to train new missionaries, they so don’t know what they are doing and it’s hilarious
Today we ran like 3 miles with an investigator to a lake and a huge hill that overlooks all of Concepcion Chile. His name is Jon and has so cool. He’s a DJ and invited us to a beach dance party... I told him I’ll go in 2 years... so anyone who’s reading this is sooo invited.