Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014

We had a service project this morning in the church building deep cleaning the back patio and the baptismal fount. Our Building here in Yungay is not a real church Church, but it’s a house that we are renting until we have enough members to build our own CASA DE ORACION (house of prayer) in the plaza (we have the property and the plans, but only are missing the people).  This patio desperately needed cleaning and I figured if we want to have baptisms we better prepare the place for us to do the service. Before, the back patio and fount were covered with mud and dirt that was smeared all over the floor and moldy construction supplies and remains thrown about, The back patio of this house is where we have the baptismal fount which is actually was more like a  Jacuzzi  which was filled with nasty black water that smelled like death.  I said that the fount was so dirty because when people are baptized their sins are washed away, but because the drain doesn’t work, their sins stay in the fount and they leave clean. But we needed to get this sin filled water out somehow, so we drained it the old fashioned way with my hands and a bucket.

This week we are planning on having a Noche de Hogar (FHE: Family Home Evening) and Puertas Abiertas in the church building and we want to focus our message on baptism,  and go outside and show everyone how beautiful the newly cleaned patio and fount are and help our investigators know how we baptize and their importance of this ordinance. Then we will eat chorrepanes outside of our new patio! Which are super delicious sausage hot dog things that you eat between bread... no one really knows what’s inside but it’s tasty! (Haha Mychal remember the restaurant tasty crusts in Hawaii! Haha best name for a diner in the world) I think it will be a fun activity for everyone and a good way to focus on our investigators while at the same time helping unify the Branch.

This Week started off so very difficult. In the first 4 days all of the investigators that we had suddenly decided to reject our message and our visits and they all died (they didn’t physically die but that’s what we say when people don’t want us to visit anymore and teach them). We were doing all that we were supposed to be doing but we did not see any results, and were left to contacting and knocking doors and visiting the few members that we had. But when we are obedient the Lord will always pull through for us, and he did and we were blessed. Greatly with an amazing family that we found and many other investigators to teach at the end of the week. Hope, patience, and obedience are so much intertwined and we need all 3 (and much more attributes that Christ has) to get along in his work.
This family that we found are so chosen! But not married. I feel like no one’s married in Chile but that’s fine became I LOVE wedding parties.  AND as I said before I have hope and I know that if a person really understands the importance of baptism they will do anything that it takes to get it done.
ALSO the mission is creating a blog that you guys can check out and understand more about the mission and the work that we are doing here in Chile!.. I think it will be completed by the end of this week
Love you all! And I don't have much time for pics for this week but here is some...

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