Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 19, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKAY!!!! I love youuu!
It’s crazy that you’re going to be a senior! You’re so old. Weird. You better not leave on your mission until I get back...
Enjoy Poca Cosa for me McKay! This will be your first time right?? I don’t remember
I can just see the top of our piano tonight... there are lots of big bags and presents wrapped in bright colors... the same ones that we use every year... and in the biggest bags there is nothing but shirts, socks or underwear.. But most importantly hot Cheetos and candy!
And dad, right after you just finished unwrapping it, will demand that you share... all of it right then... birthdays are great
Tis week we had stake conference and Elder Gonzalez of the Quorum of the 70 came to talk to us! This is the second conference that I have had with elder Gonzalez, but I think that I learned more this time because for that last conference I was only 5 weeks fresh on the mission and didn’t understand Spanish very well.  So this time when he made jokes and everyone laughed I didn’t have to fake laugh... Because I understood him!
It seems that every single person that went to the conference that I talked to learned something different that they could apply in their lives.
I learned...
-That as a missionary I need to teach people about the nature of God and the nature of us as his children. God is our father. Jesus is our older brother, and as children trying to learn we should follow the example of our older brother. As child of God we have the opportunity to inherit all that he has. Just like any good father would what for his children
-God is going to hasten his work in his own time. This is his time to do so and we are his army, as missionaries and members of the church of Jesus Christ.
- There is littler and littler of a difference between full time missionaries and members. We need to work together to find, teach, preach, retain, reactivate, and baptize
-setting goals is an exercise of faith. So set them and have the hope that you can achieve them

I love you! ALL.

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