Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

So much news from home it’s so hard to take it all in! I wish that you all could just put a hold on life until I get back in 2 years... and then you can grow, and go on vacations, and do fun things. 

First things first. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! I LOVE YOU!! Hope you have just a wonderful day, it can’t be the best day... because I’m not there but no worries... I’m only going to miss one more of your birthdays them we can celebrate. You should go see that movie that’s about Noah’s ark... everyone here in Chile is talking about it and I want to know if it’s going to be any good.

Anyways this past week I was reading in Alma about the armies of Helaman and how they were prepared and taught by their mothers. YOU mother dear are one of those mothers. You have successfully prepared me for this, the mission and the rest of my life. I have learned so much from you from your love and example. I sent you a letter! I hope it’s not too ridiculous… I was pressured with time and I don’t even remembered what I said. But just know that it was out of love!

This week was wonderful. We have been working very hard and have seen the blessings in many different ways. 1) We have so much more energy and drive. Obedience really is power 2) we had 5 investigators in church!!!! Yeah! 3) The members here are AWESOME and have begun to catch the vision of member missionary work.

our zone leader let us know this week that our district had the most lessons with member and the most investigators in church then in all of the mission... what what! Represent from the DIRTY T! (Dirty Talcahuano)

This week we had a conference with elder ZABALLOS and his wife! I learned so much in this conference. Especially about our attitude towards the obra misional. They said that we need to have the work not just in our minds but in our hearts!

They gave us this example form the book of Mormon...

In the book of Mormon it speaks of a man who left his home, his treasures and his friends to follow his father into the wilderness in search for some promised land. He was asked to do many difficult and potentially dangerous tasks like return to his homeland to take records from a very dangerous and powerful man. He was also asked to build a boat and sail into the sunset putting just his faith in God that the promise land would one day be on the horizon... do you know who I’m talking about? I’m sure you are all thinking Nephi... but I’m talking about Lamen.

He was asked to do all the same things as his brother... but the DIFFERENCE was that it was not in his heart. And he did not receive the blessings of the Lord although he completed those tasks. 

Truly, happiness comes from obedience to the commandments... happiness is when we can do what we are told to do without murmuring... but with gladness.

'' Happiness is true food, wholesome, nutritious and sweet; it builds up the body and it generates energy for action physical mental and spiritual. Pleasure is but a deceiving stimulant which like spirits drink, it makes on think that he is strong but when in reality enfeebled. Happiness leaves no bad after taste. It is followed by no depressing reaction, it calls for no repentance, brings no regret and entails no remorse. Pleasure too often makes for necessary repentance, sadness and suffering. True happiness is lived over and over again in memory, always with a renewal of the original good.'' (Somewhere in Jesus the Christ I think... I don’t really remember but it’s a good quote)

Today we woke up at the crack of dawn to run to the lake and watch the sun rise. It was awesome.

Oh also we had CAMBIOS TODAY... but it’s not that important because no one in our house is leaving. 6 more weeks’ baby!

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